To be determined
I’m Vaughn Tan, a strategy author, consultant, and professor. For more than a decade I’ve been thinking about how partial knowledge affects daily and work life, how we barely understand the many different types of not-knowing we have to live with, and how we often confuse it (fatally) with risk.
This newsletter is called The Uncertainty Mindset now, but is in the middle of becoming tbd — which will investigate not-knowing, art, food and drink, so-called artificial intelligence, landscape, real estate, elective community, and whatever the hell else it is I get interested in.
In the first year of the Uncertainty Mindset, I sent out a newsletter every week focused on some aspect of uncertainty. You can navigate the first year of UM using this an annotated topic/issue overlay.
Readers say:
“A rare combination of insight, originality & applicability.”
“Far too many newsletters about business try to solutionize everything. To find answers. Instead I'm always drawn towards provocations. @vaughn_tan's newsletter is a constant delight.”
“Every issue changes my mind about something fundamental.”
“So refreshing, finally content worth reading!”
“A++ stuff on developing an uncertainty mindset delivered to your inbox.”
“Love it.”
My first book, also titled The Uncertainty Mindset, is a behind-the-scenes look at cutting-edge high-end cuisine … and what it can teach us about designing organizations to be more adaptable and innovative. You can get it here.
I also developed a self-training tool for productive discomfort called idk. You can get it here.
You can find me on the web at, on Twitter @vaughn_tan, on Instagram @vaughn.tan, on LinkedIn, or by email at <>.